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Mastering the fundamentals of math through tricks and shortcuts not only accelerates your calculations but also fosters a deeper understanding of the subject. By incorporating these techniques into your mathematical toolkit, you'll not only save time but also gain confidence in approaching complex problems. Embrace the world of math with these strategies, and witness the transformation of numbers from daunting entities to conquerable puzzles. Happy calculating!

  • Lesson: 10
  • 07:19:50 Hrs
  • Last Updated 18-06-2024

Curriculum for this course Lesson: 10 07:19:50 Hrs


  • Lesson 1: FUNDAMENTALS MATH DAY100:55:41
  • Lesson 2: FUNDAMENTALS MATH DAY300:37:52
  • Lesson 3: FUNDAMENTALS MATH DAY400:37:53
  • Lesson 4: FUNDAMENTALS MATH DAY500:48:52
  • Lesson 5: FUNDAMENTALS MATH DAY600:29:06

Section 2: TRICKS & SHORTCUT Lesson

  • Lesson 6: MATH TRICKS & SHORTCUT DAY100:28:13
  • Lesson 7: MATH TRICKS & SHORTCUT DAY200:38:23
  • Lesson 8: MATH TRICKS & SHORTCUT DAY300:57:44
  • Lesson 9: MATH TRICKS & SHORTCUT DAY400:53:44
  • Lesson 10: MATH TRICKS & SHORTCUT DAY500:52:22


Mastering the fundamentals of math through tricks and shortcuts not only accelerates your calculations but also fosters a deeper understanding of the subject. By incorporating these techniques into your mathematical toolkit, you'll not only save time but also gain confidence in approaching complex problems. Embrace the world of math with these strategies, and witness the transformation of numbers from daunting entities to conquerable puzzles. Happy calculating!.

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  • 07:19:50 Hrs on demand videos
  • Lesson: 10
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