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Practice Regularly: Dedicate time every day to practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. Immerse Yourself: Surround yourself with English media like books, movies, TV shows, and music. This helps familiarize you with the language's rhythm and pronunciation. Language Exchange: Find a language exchange partner or join language exchange groups online where you can practice speaking with native English speakers. Take a Course: Enroll in an English course or use online r

  • Lesson: 24
  • 15:38:25 Hrs
  • Last Updated 18-06-2024

Curriculum for this course Lesson: 24 15:38:25 Hrs


  • Lesson 1: Lets learn English Day100:31:32
  • Lesson 2: Lets learn English Day200:43:19
  • Lesson 3: Lets learn English Day300:38:54
  • Lesson 4: Lets learn English Day400:39:06
  • Lesson 5: Lets learn English Day500:42:03
  • Lesson 6: Lets learn English Day600:38:30
  • Lesson 7: Lets learn English Day700:40:35
  • Lesson 8: Lets learn English Day900:43:24
  • Lesson 9: Lets learn English Day800:37:49
  • Lesson 10: Lets learn English Day1000:41:04
  • Lesson 11: Lets learn English Day1100:41:42
  • Lesson 12: Lets learn English Day1200:41:46
  • Lesson 13: Lets learn English Day1300:41:46
  • Lesson 14: Lets learn English Day1400:40:31
  • Lesson 15: Lets learn English Day1500:39:56
  • Lesson 16: Lets learn English Day1600:41:53
  • Lesson 17: Lets learn English Day1700:38:57
  • Lesson 18: Lets learn English Day1800:43:23
  • Lesson 19: Lets learn English Day1900:34:11
  • Lesson 20: Lets learn English Day2000:36:05
  • Lesson 21: Lets learn English Day2100:36:24
  • Lesson 22: Lets learn English Day2200:33:55
  • Lesson 23: Lets learn English Day2300:33:12
  • Lesson 24: Lets learn English Day2400:38:28


Practice Regularly: Dedicate time every day to practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English. Immerse Yourself: Surround yourself with English media like books, movies, TV shows, and music. This helps familiarize you with the language's rhythm and pronunciation. Language Exchange: Find a language exchange partner or join language exchange groups online where you can practice speaking with native English speakers. Take a Course: Enroll in an English course or use online resources like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, or Coursera to structure your learning. Speak Out Loud: Don’t be afraid to speak! Practice speaking English even if you're alone. This helps improve pronunciation and fluency. Expand Vocabulary: Learn new words regularly. Flashcards, vocabulary apps, or reading diverse materials can help with this. Grammar and Writing: Focus on grammar and writing skills by practicing writing essays, short stories, or keeping a journal in English. Get Feedback: Ask for feedback from teachers, language partners, or online communities to improve your skills..

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  • Lesson: 24
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